The link section
Featured link
Kanji Networks; etymology of kanji - This site operates an etymological database for kanji, showing their origin and relations to other kanji. The site is simplistic at the moment (I would recommend picking one of the links on the main page instead of searching, as searching leads to a rather hard to read page), but the information is quite interesting. A bit like the relational and etymological link network made for Chinese characters a while ago by Rick Harbaugh)
The NR wiki
There is a (perhaps temporary, perhaps permanent) Nihongoresources resource wiki online at, right now for the purpose of getting kanji decomposition data 'accredited' if you will: getting the sign of approval from people who are willing to look a few of them over, collectively going through the whole list, although of course if you do only a handful and 100 other people do too, we'll be done in a few days (is that realistic? no. but that's okay, it doesn't *need* to be done in a few days).
My own link
In addition to nihongoresources I also run my personal website on the 'pomax' subdomain. This will at times also contain news relevant to nihongoresources (particularly when I'm working on NR projects), as well as things less related to Japanese but possibly still interesting.
Dictionary links
These links point to other online dictionaries
- wwwdic, the original edict website by Jim Breen
- denshi jisho, a quite clean edict/kanjidic/tanaka search site
- dictionaries at goo, mostly for people who know a little japanese
- dictionaries at yahoo, like goo, but with a wider dictionary backend
- oichan's "encyclopedia" of chinese/japanese/english terms (I love this site)
Grammar links
These links point to other grammar resources online
- j-gram, a site where users contribute to a collective searchable grammar repository
- tae kim's japanese grammar pages, also based on the proper japanese system
Language resource links
These links point to various other language related resources online
-, The first Japanese/English/Dutch proverb dictionary online!
- Kanji Networks, proper etymology charts of any kanji you can think of
- JEdutainment, providing vocabulary podcasts
Other people's Japanese sites
These links point to other websites that try to teach you the Japanese language.
- Talk Sushi, basic japanese with audio examples (ad heavy)
Stores for your Japanese needs
These links point to various other language related resources online
- The Japan shop, textbooks, workbooks, dictionaries, practice material.. go buy it!
- nippon export, getting you those hard-to-get books with more ease.
Multimedia links
These links point to online japanese radio and TV streams
- no links yet, suggest some =)
Anime and manga links
It's hard to deny the effect the fansub/fanslate community has on getting people interested in Japanese.
- baka-updates, which tracks new fansubbed anime releases
- manga-updates, which tracks new fanslated manga releases
- animesuki, a bittorrent repository for non-licensed fansubbed anime
- envirosphere, tracking all non-licensed fansubbed anime releases
- anime news network, serving you news on the world of anime
- manga helpers, "manga/raw/translation".. says it all doesn't it?
Assorted resources
Assorted links to places of interest on the web
- the foreigner: japan, an online magazine about Japan
- suggest some more =)