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Kansaiben (関西弁) and Oosakaben (大阪弁) word list

An integral part of any dialect is of course, vocab differences. And there are many. The following list does not contain everything like different names for dishes, or flowers, or children's language, or... well a lot really, this is more of a list of words I figured would be the most desired without going into meticulous detail. HOWEVER: if you know of words not in this list, contact me. Right away. That's right, don't just sit there, go to the contact page and let me know what this list can be appended with!

This list is sorted on japanese order (so that means not alphabetically), and the indexing system used in it is also the japanese indexing system. My apologies to those that cannot read hiragana, I'm afraid you'll have to scroll based on the romaji you see next to the words.


Well, almost anyway. A quick primer: the blue fields are section headings, the green fields are indices to jump to either the next column of syllables, or the next syllable in the same column, for left and right index respectively. Right, enough of that, on to the list! (really this time)

kansaiben official japanese english
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あかい [akai] 明るい [akarui] bright, light
あかん [akan] いけない [ikenai], 駄目 [dame] "no", [this] won't do, [this is] bad
あかんたれ [akantare] 小心者 [shoushinmono] a shy person
あたい [atai] 私 [atashi] I (me) for women. notice the difference in reading for kanji in standard japanese too.
あない [anai] あんな...... [anna] not quite translatable. used as expression of disbelief, disappointment... sort of. probably most known in standard Japanese from the exclamation "そんな!"
あぶらむし [油虫] [aburamushi] ゴキブリ [gokiburi] cockroach
あほ [aho] 阿呆 [ahou], バカ [baka] moron
あむない [amunai] 危ない [abunai] dangerous, 'watch out!'
あらへん [arahen] 無い [nai] 'is not' - in kansaiben, this is a mizenkei negation of aru instead of the adjective nai.
あんさん [ansan] あなた [anata] distal "you"
あんじょう [anjou] うまい [umai] skill, good at, pretty good
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いがく [igaku] 茹でる [yuderu] to boil [something]
いがむ [igamu] 歪む [yugamu] bend, warp, distort (pervert)
いかん [ikan] いけない [ikenai], 駄目 [dame] "no", [this] won't do, [this is] bad
いきり [ikiri]   being flashy, fancy, an eyecatcher, a showoff
いけず [ikezu] 意地悪 [ijiwaru] bully, being unkind,
いける [ikeru]   be good, be okay, "to go well" [something]
いちびる [ichibiru] お調子者 [ochoushimono] a clown, a frivolous person, "time waster"
いちゃもん [ichamon] 難癖 [nankuse] fault, blame
いっこも [一個も] [ikkomo] 全然 [zenzen], 一つも [hitotsumo] not at all (paired with a negative verb phrase)
いっちょかみ [icchokami]   someone pushy, always forcing their own thing
いっちゃん [icchan] 一番 [ichiban] the best ... , the most ...
いてまう [itemau] やっつける [yattsukeru] to rough up, to beat up, to 'get'
いとはん [itohan] お嬢さん [ojousan] respecting term for someone's daughter or a young girl
いぬ [去ぬ] [inu] 去る [iru] to leave, to go away (to pass away)
いのく [inoku] 動く [ugoku] to move
いやー [iyaa]   "hey!!" (good hello version of hey, not the bad kind)
いらう [irau] 触る [sawaru], 弄る [ijiru] to touch, feel, (to mess with)
いらち [irachi] 短気 [tanki] short tempered
いわす [iwasu] やっつける [yattsukeru] to rough up, to beat up, to 'get'
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うだ [uda] 他愛もない [tawaimonai], 無意味 [muimi] pointless (such as chatter), triffling
うち [uchi] 私 [watashi] I (me)
うろ [uro] 狼狽える [urotaeru] confused, flustered
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ええ [ee] いい [ii] good. you will be hardpressed to find a more kansaibennish word than 'ee'... Well, maybe 'ya'...
ええし [eeshi]   well bred (person), [raised as] upper class
えらい [erai] 1) とても [totemo], 大変[taihen], 非常 [hijou], 酷い [hidoi], とんでんない [tondemonai] very ...
2) くたびれた [kutabireta] to get tired (worn out)
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おいど [oido] お尻 [oshiri] ass (butt, behind, etc.)
おおきに [ookini] ありがとう [arigatou] thank you (not used that often anymore...)
おかん [okan] お母さん [okaasan] mother, mom, mum
おこた [okota] 火燵 [kotatsu] a blanketed table with a heater underneath (mmmm).
おこたち [okotachi] 子供 [kodomo] slightly polite term for "children"
おざぶ [ozabu] 座布団 [zabuton] honorific term for a zafu (sitting pillow)
おじき [ojiki] おじさん [ojisan] 'mister', uncle
おじん [ojin] じじ [jiji] "pops" (colloquial)
おつぃ [otsu(i)] 汁物 (shirumono) soup
おとんぼ [otonbo] 末っ子 [suekko] youngest child
おはようお帰り [ohayouokaeri] いってらっしゃい [itterasshai] said when as response to 'ittekimasu'. (it seems to be dying out)
おばん [oban] ばば [baba] 'gramps' (to old women, colloquial)
おばんざい [obanzai] 総菜 [souzai] side dish
おぶ [obu] お茶 [ocha] tea
おぼこい [obokoi] 純真無垢 [junshinmuku] purity, pure
おまはん [omahan] お前 [omae] you
おもろい [omoroi] 面白い [omoshiroi] fun, interesting
おもる [omoru] 奢る [ogoru] to give [someone] [[as]] [a treat]
おる [oru] いる [iru] to be, for animate things (not used as humble form).
おんどれ [ondore] お前 [omae], 己 [onore] you (derogatory)
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が(ぁ) [ga/gaa] わがまま [wagamama] selfish
がい [gai] わがまま [wagamama] selfish (more exaggerated)
がさつ [gasatsu]   rude, barbaric (like in manner and speech)
かしこ [賢] [kashiko] 賢い人 [kashikoi hito] clever / wise [person]
かしわ [kashiwa] 鶏肉 [toriniku] chicken [meat] (or fowl)
かつかつ [katsukatsu] ぎりぎり [girigiri] at the last moment, just barely
かってくる [kattekuru] 借りてくる [karitekuru] borrow for a moment, for a bit (not in use much anymore)
かめへん [kamehen] 構わない [kamawanai] "I don't mind", "it's okay"
かんたてる [kantateru] 癇癪を起こす [kanshaku o okosu] to get hot-tempered
かんとだき [kantodaki] おでん [oden] a hotpot dish typical of the kanto region
かんにん [kannin] 許す [yurusu] forgive, allow
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~くない? [-kunai] ~じゃない? [-janai] used as negative question marker in the same way english uses "[...] isn't it?"
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きさんじ [kisanjo] 気晴らし [kibarashi] recreation
きしょい [kishoi] 気色悪い [kishoku warui] bad mood (contraction from kishoku)
きづつない [気術ない] [kidzutsunai] 気兼ねする [kigane suru] having scruples, to hesitate before doing particular things
きもい [kimoi] 気持ち悪い [kimochi warui] [something causing a] bad feeling, "gross"
ぎょうさん [gyousan] 沢山 [takusan] a lot
ぎょうび [gyoubi] 最近 [saikin] lately
きれかった [kirekatta] きれいだった [kireidatta] past tense for きれい in kansaiben; it's and い-adj there.
きんのう [kinnou] 昨日 [kinou] yesterday
ぐいち [guichi] ちぐはぐ [chigubagu] mismatched
くさい [kusai] ださい [dasai] bumkinish, without a sense of style / feeling for the world
Oosaka: けーへん [keehen] 来ない [konai] "don't come" - kansaiben conjugation speciality"

Koube: こーへん [koohen]

Kyouto: きーひん [kiihin]

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げす [下種/下衆] [gesu] 下品 [gehin], 品のない人[shina no nai hito] something crummy, someone who has nothing of value
けったい [kettai] 変 [hen], 妙 [myou], おかし(な) [okashi(na)] odd, strange, weird
けったくそわるい[kettakusowarui] 気分悪い [kibun warui] to have a bad feeling [about something]
けつわる [ketsuwaru) 途中で投げ出す [tochuu de nagedasu] dropping something [while on the way to...]
けぶたい [kebutai] 煙たい [kemutai] feeling awkward
げら [gera] 笑い上戸 [waraijougo] a happy drunk
げん [gen] 縁起 [engi] acting [also, fascade]. funny derivation:
engi -> read backwards = gien -> gen
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こえる [koeru] 太る [futoru] go get fat
こうてくる [koutekuru] 買ってくる [kattekuru] to go buy something
こかす [kokasu], こける [kokeru] ひっくり返す [hikkurikaesu] to turn over, knock over
こける [kokeru] 倒れる [taoreru], 転ぶ [korobu] break down, collaps, be ruined
こすい [kosui] ずる賢い [zurukashikoi] sly, cunning
こそばい [kosobai] くすぐったい [kusuguttai] ticklish

ごつい [gotsui] (also ごっつい [gottsui], ごっつう [gottsuu])

1) 大変 [taihen], 酷い [hidoi] very, terrible, pretty damn ...
2) 大丈 [daijou], 頑丈 [ganjou], えらい [erai] sturdy, course, rough, burly
こちゃ [kocha] 事は [koto wa], 事だ [koto da] [fragment; no english translation possible]
ごっちゃ [koccha] ご馳走 [gochisou] feast
ごっつぉうさん [gottsousan], ごっそさん [gossosan], ごっさん [gossan], ごっそん [gosson] ご馳走様 [gochisousama] "it was a feast", phrase used when done eating. The shorter the version, the less formal.
こない [konai] こんな...... [konna] not quite translatable. used as expression of disbelieve, disappointment... sort of. probably most known in standard Japanese from the exclamation "そんな!"
ごねる [goneru]   to whine, to trouble someone
ごて [gote] 面倒 [mendou], 困った [komatta] [a situation of] trouble (a tough situation)
ごてる [goteru]   similar to ごねる [goneru]
こまばい [gomabai] 細かい [komakai] very small, minute
こゆい [koyui] 濃い[koi] thick [color], strong [flavour], dense
コールコーヒー [koorukoohii]   ice cofee (think 'cold coffee'...)
ごんた [gonta] いたずらっ子 [itazurakko] mischievous boy (child)
ごんばこ [gonbako] ゴミ箱 [gomibako] garbage can [box]
こんばば [gonbaba] 性格悪い [seikaku warui] person with a bad personality
こんまい [konmai] 小さい [chiisai] small
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さい [sai] そう [sou] colloquialism, used like "さいでんねん" for "そうなんです"
さいぜん [saizen] さっき [sakki] earlier on
さかい(に) [sakai(ni)] から [kara], ので [node] because of ...
さし [sashi, accent on shi]   1 on 1
さし [sashi, accent on sa] 定規 [jougi] ruler [the measuring tool]
さぶい [sabui] 寒い [samui] cold (colloquially bent)
さぶいぼ [sabuibo] 鳥肌 [torihada] goose bumps
さみしい [samishii] 淋しい/寂しい [sabishii] lonely

さら [sara]

新しい [atarashii] new
すらす [surasu] する [suru] 'to do', (very rude, abusive verb use)
ざんない [zannai] 見苦しい [migurushii] ugly, poor thing to look at
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自分 [jibun] 1) 私自身 [watashi jishin] I myself
2) 君 [kimi] you (and thus, this word is terribly context sensitive)
~しい [-shii]   used as suffix to nouns, to mean "a person who is ..." without using the actual word 'person'
しくった [shikutta] 失敗した [shippaishita], しまった [shimatta] failure, "ah, crap"
[verb renyoukei] + しな [shina]   about to [verb action] [verb particle]
しばく [shibaku] 殴る [naguru], 蹴る [keru] punch, kick, do
しぶちん [jibuchin] ケチ [kechi] stingy [person]
しまう [shimau] 片付ける [katadzukeru]

clean/pick up [the table after dinner, a room etc.]

しもた[shimota] しまった [shimatta] "ah, crap"

~しもって [-shimotte]

~しながら 'while doing ...'
しや [shiya] そうだ [souda] colloquial contraction of せや (not that it needs it, but hey...)
しゃちょう [社長] [shachou]   used when trying to make someone feel better, used jokingly.
しゃーない [shaanai] 仕方ない [shikatanai] "oh well", "there's nothing [you/I/we] can do about it" (don't you grow tired of seeing 'there's no helping it' as translation?)
じゃらじゃら [jarajara] 馬鹿馬鹿しい [bakabakashii], ふざける [fuzakeru] ridiculous
しゃりん [sharin] 車 [kuruma] car
しゅむ [shamu] 染みる [jimiru] to have a touch of, to look like
しょうみ [shoumi] 本当 [hontou] [the] real
しょうもない [shoumonai] 面白くない [omoshirokunai], くだらない [kudaranai] boring
しらこい [shirakoi] 白々しい [shirajirashii] very white
しんきくさい [shinkakusai] じれったい [jirettai] impatient, irritating (vexing)
しんどい [shindoi] 疲れた [tsukareta] tired
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す [素] [su]   raw, pure, no additions [like in dishes], unmixed, etc.
すかたん [sukatan] 間抜け [manuke] moron, failure
ずっこい [zukkoi] ずるい [zurui] cruel, unfair
ずつない [術ない] [zutsunai]   similar to きずつない [気術ない] [kizutsunai]
すんまへん [sunmahen], すまへん [sumahen], すいまへん [suimahen], すまん [suman] すみません [sumimasen] excuse me
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せーだい [seedai], せーらい [seerai]   rally cry, cry of encouragement
せーへん [seehen], せん [sen] しない [shinai] 'to not do', kansai conjugation speciality
せく [seku] 急ぐ [isogu] hurry, hurried
せっしょうな [殺生な] [sesshouna] 勘弁して [kanbenshite] "give me a break", "pity me"
せたろう [setarou], せたらう [setarau] 背負う [shou (seou)] to be burdened [by/with something]
せや [seya] そうだ [souda] "that's how it is"
せんせ [sense] 先生 [sensei] teacher
せんせい [sensei]   similar to 社長, used (jokingly) to lift someone's spirits.
せんとあかん [sento akan] しなければいけない [shinakereba ikenai] must do, have to do
せんど [sendo] 何度も [nandom] 'a long time', 'I-don't-remember-how-many times'
せんない [詮ない] [sennai] 仕方ない similar to しょうもない [shoumonai]
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そーれん [sooren] 葬礼 [sourei] a funeral
そない [sonai] そんな...... [sonna] "you gotta be kidding", "This can't be happening", "this is a joke right?", "but... but..." your typical "そんな~!" exclamation, as expressed in the kansai dialect.
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たこうて [takoute]

たかくて [takakute] high, steep (price) [te-form]
だだける [dadakeru] 駄々を捏ねる [dada o koneru] to be unreasonable
だべる [daberu] おしゃべりをする [oshaberi o suru] to chatter, to chitchat
頼む [tanomu] お願いする [onegai suru] to request [something] (from) [someone] (not '"to wish")
だんさん [dansan] だんな様 [dannasama], ご主人 [goshujin] husband, 'master of the house'
たんと [tanto] 沢山 [takusan] much
だんない 差し支えない [sashitsukaenai], 構わない [kamawanai] "[I] don't mind"
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ちっこい [chikkoi] 小さい [chiisai], ちっちゃい [chiccai] small, tiny
ちゃう [chau] 違う [chigau] 1) be different (be wrong)
じゃない 2) isn't it so [that ... is the case] (sentence ending particle)
ちゃり [chari] 揉み上げ [momiage] sideburns
ちょい [choi], ちょう [chou]
ちょっと [chotto] a bit, a little
ちょんぎる [chongiru] 切り落とす [kiriotosu] to cut off
ちんちくりん [chanchikurin]   shrunk to too small dimensions (like clothes), someone who's kind of small
ちんまい [chinmai] 小さい [chiisai] small, little
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つかえる [tsukaeru] 詰まる [tsumaru] to be packed (crowded), to be blocked (clogged)
つれ [tsure]   someone who you take care of regardless of their actions. like a close friend who can do right or wrong and you'll still stick with.
- - -
てい [tei] コラ [kora] "hey! [you]" attention grabbing exclamation.
てれこ [tereko] あべこべ [abekobe] mixed up, the wrong order, the reverse of what it should be
てんご [tengo] いたずら [itazura] prankster
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ど~ [do-]   intensifier [prefix]
どがちゃが [dogachaga]   chaos. complete disarray
どくしょい [dokushoi] 残酷 [zankoku] cruel
とこ [toko] 所 [tokoro] place
どつく [dotsuku] 殴る [naguru] to hit
どない [donai] どう [dou] how
ドン臭い [donkusai]   to be poor at, to foul up、airheaded, moronic, realy realy stupid
どんつき [dontsuki] 突き当たり [tsukiatari] end [of for instance the street]
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なおす [naosu] 片付ける [katadzukeru] clean/pick up [the table after dinner, a room etc.]
なにゆうてんねん [何言うてんねん] [naniyuutennen]   "What the hell are you saying!?"
舐めとんのか [nameton no ka]   "Are you trying to make me look stupid?"
なんぎ [難儀] [nangi]   used to illustrate one is in a tough spot
なんしか [何しか] [nanshika] とにかく [tonikaku] at any rate, "anyway, ... "
なんぞ [何ぞ] [nanzo] 何か [nanika] something
なんばきび [南蛮キビ] [nanbakibi] とうもろこし [toumorokoshi] corn / maize
なんぼ [何ば] [nanbo] 幾ら [ikura] how much
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にぬき [ninuki] 茹で卵 [yudetamago] boiled egg
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ぬかす [nukasu] 言う [iu] to speak, (but 'stronger' than ゆう)
ぬくい [nukui] 暖かい [atatakai] warm (feeling, to the touch)
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ねかす [nukasu] 言う [iu] to say
ねき [neki] 近所 [kinjo] neighbourhood, vincinity
ねぶる [neburu] 舐める [nameru] to lick, to taste, to make fun of (yes, very different meanings, one would think.. but it's got that in standard japanese too so...)
ねむたい [眠たい] [nemutai] つまらない [tsumaranai]

boring, causing [someone] to fall asleep

- - -
はい [hai] 蝿 [hae] fly (insect)
はがいい [hagaii]   frustrating
ばくだん [bakudan]   booze made with methylalcohol (which is lethal in sufficient dosage). As salient detail the word bakudan, 爆弾, means 'bomb' in regular japanese.
ぱくる [pakuru], ぱちる [pachiru] 盗む [nusumu] to steal
ぱちき [pachiki] 頭突き [zutsuki] butting heads
ぱちもん [pachimon] 偽物 [nisemono] fake (or crummy) goods
はしり [走り] [hashiri]   a foot race
ぱしり [pashiri] 小間使い [komadzukai] a maid
ばったもん [battamon]   similar to ぱちもん [pachimon]
ばった屋 [battaya]   a store that deals in sub-qual goods
はよ [hayo] 早く [hayaku] early
速く [hayaku] quickly, fast
はよう [hayou]   same as はよ [hayo]
はる [haru] 1) なさる [nasaru], ~になる [ni naru] honorific form, placed after the renyoukei
2) れる・られる [reru/rareru]

passive honorific, also placed after the renyoukei

バリ [bari] とても [totemo], 大変 [taihen] very ...
ばら [bara]
肋肉 [baraniku] ribs (the food)
はんなり [hannari] 華やか [hanayaka], 鮮やか [azayaka] gorgeous, marvelous, blooming, bright, wonderful, etc.
ばんばん [banban] 超~ [chou-], 凄く~[sugoku-], 大変~ [taihen-] very ... , super ... , incredibly ...
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ひざぼん [hizabon] 膝 [hiza] lap, knee
ひち [hichi] 1) 質屋 [shichiya] pawn shop
2) 七 [shichi] 7
びびんちょ [bibincho]   someone who's unclean
ひらう [hirau] 拾う [hirou] to find, to pick up
ひろう [hirou] 広く [hiroku] spaceous, vast
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ぶいぶい [buibui]

黄金虫 [koganemushi] a scarab beetle
ぶいぶいいわす [buibuiwasu] 幅を利かせる [haba o kikaseru] to be influencial, to have great influence
ぶさいく [busaiku] 不出来 [fudeki] poorly done, bad job
ぶた [buta]   abusive term used to describe a fat person. [buta] written as [豚] means 'pig'
ふっきん [fukkin] 布巾 [fukin] dish towel
ブッチする [bucchi suru]   to play hookie (butfor all ages and all events)
ぶっちゃける [bucchakeru] 打ち明ける [uchiakeru] to speak one's mind, to be frank
ぶぶ [bubu] お湯 [oyu], お茶 [ocha] hot water, tea
フレッシュ [furesshu]   tea/coffee milk (think "fresh")
ぶんぶん [bunbun]   same as ぶいぶい [buibui]
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へーかます [heekamasu] 放屁する [houbi suru] to break wind. Also used for ブッチする [bucchi suru]
へたばる [hetabaru] 疲れ果ている [tsukarehateiru] to be exhausted
へちゃ [hecha] 不器量 [bukiryou] incompetence
へちる [hechiru] 盗む [nusumu] same as ぱくる [pakuru]、ぱちる [pachiru]
べった [betta] 最下位 [saikai] lowest of low
へてから [hetekara] それから [sorekara] so/and then ... , after that ... , etc. [conjunctive]
べっぴん [beppin] 美人 [bijin] pretty/beautiful person
べべ [bebe] 1) 服 [fuku] clothes
2) 最下位 [saikai] lowest of low
~へん ~ない verb negation
べんきょうする [benkyou suru] 値切る [negiru] to haggle, to ding on the price (don't confuse this for 'to study' [勉強する] in standard japanese =)
へんこ [henko] 奇妙 [kimyou] weird [person]
べんちゃら [benchara] お世辞 [oseji] compliment, flattery
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ほかす [hokasu] 捨てる [suteru] to throw away, to get rid of
ほげた [hogeta] 悪口 [waruguchi] bad-mouthing
ぼっかぶり [bokkaburi] ゴキブリ cockroach
ほっこり [hokkori] 焼き芋 [yakiimo] raosted sweet potato
ぼったくり [bottakuri] 暴利 [houri] excessive profit
ぼちぼち [bochibochi] まあまあ [maa maa] so-so, "eh"
ほっといてんか [hottoitenka]   "leave me alone!", "get off my case!"
ほな じゃな [ja na] see you
ほなら それじゃ [sore ja] well then, see you
ほる [horu] 捨てる [suteru] same as ほかす [hokasu]
ぼんさん [bonsan] お坊さん [ohousan] buddhist priest, monk
ほんで [honde] それで [sorede], そして [sosite] and so, and then [conjunctive]
ほんま [honma] 本当 [hontou] really, real
ほんに [honni] 本当に [hontou ni] really
ぼんぼん [bonbon]   a well-bred kid with a fat wallet
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まいど [maido] こんいちは [konnichiwa] hello, hiya, hey
まえといて[maetoite] 混ぜといて [mazetoite] to mix in, to stir in
まける [makeru]   to haggle, to ding on a price (don't confuse this with the standard 負ける meaning 'to lose')
まくど [makudo]   the "MacDonald's" franchise
まっさら [真っさら] [massara]   intensitied さら [sara]
まったけ [mattake] 松茸 [matsutake] matsutake mushrooms
まどう [madou] 弁償する [benshou suru] to reimburse
まねし [真似衆] [maneshi]  

a copycat

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みーいる [身ー入る] [miiiru] 筋肉痛になる [kinnikutsuu ni naru] to get cramps, to get muscle pains
みかん水 [kinasui]   orange juice
みずくさい [mizukusai]   'tastes like water', like soup, tea, coffee, etc.This is generally not a good thing.
みすど [misudo]   the "Mr. Donuts" franchise
みずや [mizuya] 食器棚 [shokkidana] cupboard
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むちゃ [mucha], むっちゃ [muccha]   same as めっちゃ [meccha]
むつかしい [mutsukashii] 難しい [muzukashii] difficult, complicated, arduous.
むなくそわるい [munakuso warui] 不愉快 [fuyukai] unpleasant, unhappy, uncomfortable, etc.
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めげる [meguru] 壊れる [kowareru] to break, to be broken
めっちゃ [meccha] 超~ [chou-], 凄く~[sugoku-], 大変~ [taihen-] very ... , super ... , incredibly ...
めばちこ [mebachiko] 物貰い [monomorai] beggar
めめつぶ [memetsubu]   really, really small.
めんち [menchi] 睨みつける [niramitsukeru] to glare at [someone]
めんどい [mendoi]   same as めんどうくさい [mendoukusai]
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もうた [mouta] もらった [moratta] verb-て suffix verb to indicate receiving, having gotten.
モータープール [mootaapuuru] 駐車場 [chuushajo] parking lot
もみない [mominai], もむない [momunai], ももない [momonai] 旨くない [umakunai] not really tasty
もんび [monbi] 祝日 [shukujitsu] national holiday
やっちゃ [yaccha] 奴 [yatsu] 'guy', person (not polite)
やまこはる [yamakoharu]   to bet(risk) a bundle
ややこ [yayako] 赤ちゃん [akachan] baby
ややこしい [yayakoshii] 面倒 [mendou] difficult, troubling [person, matter]
やらしい [yarashii] いやらしい [iyarashii] disagreeabel, unpleasant, disgusting, repulsive or even downright lewd
やらしー エッチ! there's no real translation, it's typically yelled by girls at people who forget to stay above the line of acceptable insinuation.
ヤンキー [yankii] 不良 [furyou], juvenile delinquent (boy) - think "yankee"...
ヤンキーお姉さん [yankii oneesan]   juvenile delinquent (girl)
やんぴー![yanpi] やめて![yamete] "cut it out already!"
ゆう [yuu] 言う [iu] to say
ゆうれん [yuuren] 幽霊 [yuurei] ghost
ゆがく [yugaku] 茹でる [yuderu] to boil [something]
ゆってる [yutteru] 揺れている [yureteiru] to tremble
ようおこし [youokoshi] いらっしゃいませ [irasshaimase] greeting by a shopkeeper to his customers
ようけ [youke] いっぱい [ippai], 沢山 [takusan] many

ようさん [yousan]

仰山 [gyousan], 沢山 [takusan] much, a lot, great quantity
ようて [酔うて] ][youte] 酔って [yotte] drunk
冷コー [reikoo] アイスコーヒー ice coffee
ろおじ [rooji]
路地 [roji] lane, alley
わい [wai] 私 [watashi] I (me)

我が [waga]

自分自身 [jibun jishin] I myself
わけわけ [wakewake] 分ける [wakeru] to divide, to seperate in parts
わや [waya] 駄目だった[dame datta] 失敗した [shippaishita] it didn't work out, it failt, it amounted to nothing
笑かす [warakasu] 笑わす [warawasu] to laugh