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Lesson 1 wordlist

This is the wordlist for the first lesson, and contains all the Japanese words used in the lesson, as well as supplementary words that are good to know in relation to the lesson words. The list is split up in a few categories so you can study them targetly. Words with an asterisk (*) are supplementary words that are good to know if you're learning the ones in the wordlist anyway.

For a first lesson this wordlist might seem huge. That's because it is. We're not going to take it easy and only do 10 or 20 words, you want to learn Japanese, and I want you to learn Japanese, and that means learning some essential vocabulary. Many of these words are written in kanji with furigana, rather than in hiragana. Why? Rest assured, I'm not going to test your kanji knowledge, but I do want you to be familiar with what the words "sort of look like". Even if you cannot reproduce the kanji, at least this way you see what the word really looks like instead of only getting half a glimpse from a pure hiragana form. No real conversation or text is written in pure hiragana, showing you the words with their kanji is a good way to prepare you for the fact that most of the texts you will read the coming year or two at least, you're going to encounter words you don't know the kanji of at all. But with furigana you at least know how to pronounce them, and that's half the work. Rest assured, the practice session will quiz you on these words based only on hiragana form of course.


Most expressions are usually written in kana, but the more "literate" the context, the more likely you are to find it presented in kanjiform instead.

はじめましてsaid when meeting someone for the first time
今日こんにちgood day [は is pronounced わ]
今晩こんばんgood evening [は is pronounced わ]
やすみなさいgood night
みませんexcuse me
めんなさいI am sorry
有難ありがとうございますthank you
どういたしましてyou're welcome


genetive particle. use: XのY
subject marker. use: suffixed to the (sub)sentence's subject
context marker. use: suffixed to the already known context
noun listing (in this lesson). use: XとY[とZ...]
point/frame in spacetime. use: suffixed to the point/frame in timespace
 relational marker. use: suffixed to a word/subphrase which relates to a verb action
direct object marker. use: suffixed to what the action of a verb is performed on
question marker. * use: placed at the end of a sentence, before the 。


わたしI, me
まちcity *
都市としmetropolis *
wood, tree
はやしwoods *
うえupper, above, over
なかinside, inner, middle, center
したlower, under
うまhorse *
さかなfish *
とりbird *
うしcow *
ひつじsheep *
うち(my/our) house/family
いえ(anyone's) house/family *
たく(your) house [formal polite word]/family *
コンピューターcomputer *
ファミコンconsole (game) computer *
(Japanese style) door *
ドア(western style) door *
テーブルtable *
椅子いすchair (kanji form rarely used) *
たたみtatami mat *
今朝けさthis morning *
今日きょうtoday *
今日こんにちthis day
今晩こんばんthis evening
いまnow *
あさmorning *
day, sun
ひるafternoon *
よるnight *
掃除そうじcleaning, housekeeping *
来年らいねんnext year
ねんyear (suffix)
がつmonth, moon *
しゅうweek *
日本語にほんごJapanese (language)
日本人にほんじんJapanese (person)
ひとperson, man, woman
かたformal polite version of 人 *
おやparent *
先生せんせいteacher, "one with knowledge"
せんprevious~ / ahead (yes, this is confusing =)
人生じんせい(someone's conceptual) life *
だれwho (pronoun)
どこwhere (pronoun)
それthat (pronoun)
ちゃ(green) tea *
紅茶こうちゃred/black tea *
はんfood / (cooked) rice
こめuncooked rice *
あねmy older sister *
ねえさん(my) older sister
ねえさん(your) older sister *
あにmy older brother *
にいさん(my) older brother *
にいさん(your) older brother *
いもうとmy younger sister *
いもうとさんyounger sister *
おとうとmy younger brother *
おとうとさんyounger brother *
兄弟きょうだいsiblings (general) *
姉妹しまいsiblings (sisters) *
だんgrade (in a ranked list) *

verb terminology

未然形みぜんけいimperfect base
連用形れんようけいconjunctive base
連体形れんたいけいprepositional/attributive base
已然形いぜんけいclassical imperfect base
命令形めいれいけいcommanding base
五段ごだん"five row" verb class
一段いちだん"one row" verb class
上一段かみいちだん"upper, one syllable" verb class
下一段しもいちだん"lower, one syllable verb class
上二段かみにだん"upper, two syllables" verb class
下二段しもにだん"lower, two syllables" verb class


each verb is indicated as being of a particular type (v5, v1), and of a particular transitivity (tr/intr/bitr)

あそto play (v5) (intr)
あるto walk (v5) (bitr)
to fly (v5) (intr)
はしto run (v5) (bitr) *
to wait (v5) (intr)
いそto hurry (v5) (intr)
はなto talk (v5) (intr)
to say, to call (something some other thing) (v5) (tr) *
to call (someone) (v5) (tr) *
to die (v5) (intr)
きるto live (v1) (intr)*
すくto help, rescue (v5) (tr)
手伝てつだto help, lend a hand (v5) (tr) *
to write (v5) (intr)
to see (v1) (tr)
to hear (v5) (bitr)
to sleep (v1) (intr)
びるto stretch (v1) (tr)
べるto eat (v1) (tr)
to drink (v5) (tr)
to become (v5) (intr) (kanji form essentially never used)
けるto open (v1) (tr)
to open (v5) (intr)
めるto close (v1) (tr) *
まるto close (v5) (intr) *
はじめるto begin (v1) (tr) *
はじまるto begin (v5) (intr) *
するto do (sa-v) (tr)
ますhelper verb of politeness
ないadjective denoting negation
ですpolite copula
plain colula
to exist, to be for animate things (vu1) (intr) (kanji form rarely used)
to exist, to be for inanimate things (v5) (intr) (kanji form rarely used)